Individual researchers

Research interests

  • human auxology
  • human ageing
  • gender studies

The most important projects

  • At the threshold of adulthood: the health and quality of life of adolescents in a socially and economically diverse environment. ADOPOLNOR.; 2008-2011; Head.
  • Evaluation of the association between age of natural menopause onset and polymorphisms in the regulatory region of the IGF-I gene. N N303109234. 2008-2011; head
  • Assessment of blood pressure in children and adolescents. 2004; principal investigator
  • Hormonal, lipid and morphofunctional profile of 70-year-old men in aspects of ageing. PU II/1, 2003-2004; director

Research area

Research focuses on three main topics in the field of human evolutionary biology: (1) Human evolution, in particular the Plio-Pleistocene australopithecines, (2) The concept of ‘race’ in anthropology and how human variation is perceived and categorized, and (3) Tarsiers’ behavior and ethnoprimatology.

Research topics

  • Skull and dental morphology, diversity and evolution of the early hominins – the australopithecines.
  • Variation and determinants of sexual dimorphism in human evolution.
  • Is the concept of race useful in the studies of modern human variation?
  • How human variation is perceived and categorized – biologists’, anthropologists’ and students’ perspectives on human races.
  • The impact of education in changing students’ understanding of ‘race’.


  • Title: Sexual dimorphism in the Plio-Pleistocene ‘robust’ australopithecines (PL: Dymorfizm płciowy plio-plejestoceńskich ‘masywnych’ australopiteków)
    • Principal investigator: Katarzyna A. Kaszycka
    • Organization: Komitet Badań Naukowych
    • Project Number: 2P04C 058 29
    • Period: 2005-2008
    • Granted Funding: 110 200 PLN


1. Kaszycka, K.A., Łopuszańska-Dawid M., Szklarska A., Lipowicz A., Kołodziej H. Profesor Tadeusz Bielicki (1932–2022) In: Nauka, vol. 3/2022, pp. 185–192, 2022.

2. Kaszycka K.A. Paranthropus robustus In: Shackelford T.K., Weekes-Shackelford V.A. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp. 5688–5692, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.

3. Wojciechowski F.J., Kaszycka K.A., Otadoy J.B. Utilizing local community knowledge of the Philippine tarsier in assessing the Bilar population endangerment risk, and implications for conservation. In: Journal for Nature Conservation, vol. 62, doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2021.126028, 2021.

Research area

  • Synthesis of the biological consequences and determinants of socio-economic change in human populations and assessment of the adaptability of biosocial systems in prehistoric, historical and contemporary times.
  • Assessing the influence of genetic factors and individual growth and developmental environments as determinants of the incidence of various cancers.
  • Analysis of diet and mobility in prehistoric and historic populations based on isotopic studies and stress markers.

Research topics

  • The impact of civilisation and demographic change on human biological characteristics.
  • Secular trends in body size and weight.
  • Regional variations in the ability of natural selection to operate in human populations.
  • The influence of genetic and environmental factors on the incidence of various cancers.
  • The diagnostic value of skeletal determinants of physiological stress in studies of prehistoric and historic populations.